Vikenco, Aukra, Norway

Extremely valuable tool

“Maritech’s software streamlines our production and gives us the necessary tools to save time and costs.”

Jørn Husøy is controller and ICT manager at Vikenco, a recognized harvester and supplier of seafood to markets in Norway and throughout the world. The company was a pioneer in salmon-farming and now covers 50% of the world’s production of organic salmon. Vikenco uses a broad spectrum of Maritech’s products and has been a loyal customer for a long time.

Maritech was a natural choice for us, as their software is customized to our production.

Jørn Husøy,
Controller and ICT Manager at Vikenco

Tracing is crucial

As Vikenco both harvest and refine seafood from other companies, it is crucial to control the origin of the fish.

“Our fish can be traced all the way back through the production process to the seed, which ensures that our products maintain the highest standards for proof of purity”, says Husøy


Control and oversight

The production and refining process demands control and oversight; temperature, functions, machines and numbers

“The DGS IoT solution makes Vikenco able to control these processes through monitoring, visualizing and alarm systems”.

Salmon is an expensive product and to constantly control the output is crucial. A malfunction in the process can be costly and should immediately be alerted for correction. Maritech is now in the midst of developing real time surveillance and reporting of the production output, a development of great interest to Husøy and Vikenco.

“We are really looking forward to seeing the results of this work. This tool will help us monitor our output in detail, and possibly save even more time and money”.

Ready to digitalize?

We want to talk to you about digital seafood customized to your seafood company.